Hi, please understand that everything I had written for my website and what I am about to write in this blog is all from my own personal years of my experiences and things I had witnessed.
What the Cosmogony Healing Crystal Templates is about
Go to the part on my website where it says, “What is Cosmogony” and that explains what Cosmogony is about.
Also, please note that during and after you experience my Healing Workshops that you may experience some old issues that may surface up.
Like the ole’ saying, “Getting rid of the old in order to bring in the new.”
Explanation of my Healing Workshops
Know that each of my healing workshops builds upto the next healing workshop and it’s ok if you can’t make it to everyone of my healing workshops; so just know that your not in a rat race but you are working from your own level of where your energy is suppose to be at appropriately at that moment…
Also, know that whatever healing workshop you miss that the next healing workshop you do decide to go to? The Cosmogony Healing Crystal Templates will bring your body’s energy and frequency levels upto the current present status quo appropriately and the cells in your body will also be brought upto the current present status too. Because that’s how the Cosmogony Crystal Healing Templates work…
Once again you are not in a rat race and you are where you are suppose to be…
My Healing Workshops also builds up your self confidence and your self esteem by helping you to feel inspired by tapping into your creative self from within…
You will begin to understand that using your creative side of yourself more will bring you an awareness that you can create things within your mind; that can help bring to you physically of what you want in your life as long as it’s appropriate and beneficial of helping you in your life…
It’s also beneficial for us to connect to our creative side of ourselves in order for us to be able to connect ourselves to the awareness of Synchronicity…
Can you imagine living your life 24/7 through Synchronicity to where your old karmic 3D life lessons are no longer valid; but you are living in a whole new paradigm reality with new life lessons in 4D to help rid majority of the old 3D residue; while waking up the next day improvising your day as you go along?
Because that is where I am at in my life learning my life lessons of choosing what ego I want to feed between my higher ego or my lower ego whenever I am faced with whatever drama issue(big or small)…
Although, we are in the middle of the Spiritual Warfare(Good vs Evil)…
6 Levels in Each Dimension
This is my understanding from The ArchAngel Micheal that every dimension has 6 levels in each and that includes 4D. The middle of 4D in between levels 3 and 4 is where the so called, dead people or ghosts or Earth bounders are at that level…
Believe it or not? We all are in the first 3 lower levels of 4D and majority of the people still believes that we are still in 3D. Because not to many people will be willing to allow themselves to be aware and they will be stuck dealing with 3D old negative habits and hangups because they may be set in their ways and that’s ok too…
The first 3 lower levels of 4D is the “SPIRITUAL WARFARE” while we are being coached to help us to deal with any 3D old residue habits and hangups(POOP OR GET OFF THE POT.)
Which means to stop clowning around by tipping toeing on the edge of the cliff(so to speak) of whether you want to finally get rid of your negative hangups or not? Or you will be dealing with harsh physical; emotional; and spiritual illnesses that will bring you nothing but your own personal HELL…
Allow that to be your reality check…
Lower Ego
Spirituality can be fun but if you allow your lower ego to be a dictator then Spirituality can also not be as fun and that is a huge issue that needs to be explained…
If you had been dealing with some type of negative issues or you had allowed yourself to get caught up in some type of negative tennis match with someone?
Then you allowed your lower ego to be the dictator and lowered your vibrational frequency to be vulnerable and prone to any negativity that can also lead you to having health issues; like having a runny nose(colds) are some other type of illnesses…
So, just know that we always need to be aware of our egos and never think for one moment that your lower ego won’t try to show it’s self, because it will…
Apparently, I have seen a lot of so called, Spiritually enlightened people have allowed their lower ego to get the best of them and it ruined their lives and it ruined their personality too…
Know that “AWARENESS” is an essential key importance to all of us and how we use our awareness is always questioning everything and anything and even question me as well by using your, “GIFT OF DISCERNMENT.”
You always research what info you had received or what someone had said or written even me by using your discernment of what you resonate with and what you don’t resonate with…
Now getting back to 4D…
We have to go through 4D before we are truly mature enough to make it to 5D…
Think about this example:
Let’s say that your computer is running very slow and you research it to find out why your computer is running so slow.
In your research you find out that your computer memory ram is only running at 4GB and your computer can be updated to 16GB and that will help make your computer run a lot faster like it’s brand new…
Ok, so you decided that instead of getting 16GB of memory ram you decided that you will get 32GB of memory ram and you replace your computer’s old 4GB memory ram out with the 32GB instead of the 16GB…
You go and turn your computer on and now your computer is not running and you end up with a blank screen and so you are trying everything to get your computer up and running; but no luck…
Then you decided to take the 32GB of memory ram out of your computer and you replace that with the 16GB of memory ram and you turn your computer on and “LO AND BEHOLD” your computer is working and is faster like brand new than when it ran on 4GB of memory ram…
That example is just like us. If we are not mature enough to reach 5D that it can overload our emotions and we could possibly shutdown physically; emotionally; and mentally…
Just something for you to think about!
You can try and reach 5D if you want; but you better make sure that your body is prepared, physically; emotionally; mentally; spiritually; and intuitively?
I also need to mention this that we do not have all the memories of what each dimensional experiences will be like. Because you need to understand that we have amnesia chemicals that have blocked a lot of our memories since after our conception to not be able to remember everything…
We can only assume of what 5D or any of the other dimensions might be like; but we do not have the full memories available to us or otherwise, we would not be learning our life lessons and we would be so screwed up physically; emotionally; mentally; Spiritually; and intuitively…
Once again, everything I had written is only from my own personal experiences and many things I had witnessed. So, please question everything and including me and use your gift of discernment of what resonates with you and what does not resonate with you?
Thank you for taking the time reading my blog.
Anthony TwoFeathers
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