Learning the basics of centering yourself and quieting your mind is extremely essential before you try manifesting any appropriate anomalies into your life and/or praying for someone or something…
The important reason to learn how to master by centering yourself in calmness and quieting your mind is so that you do not allow your subconscious to manifest any type of fear…
Otherwise, we always end up adding self doubt into what we are trying to manifest or praying for; whether it be for us or someone and eventually we start to manifest feelings of despair through self sabotage and that always hinders any good we try to manifest…
So, that is why it is essential to learn how to Center yourself in calmness and to quiet your mind appropriately in order to raise your self esteem and self confidence…
Once you are able to master that, then you can start working on manifesting by healing yourself or to manifest what you would like to have in your life appropriately without self sabotaging that…
It will take steps…
Just know that you still have things to fulfill here on Earth in order for you to accomplish whatever that is?
Rember this?
The number one exercise of all is to master your emotional and mental bodies by not allowing any “FEAR” to dictate your life…
Because “FEAR” is destruction and death; not life or living life and you will always continue living your life in fear feeling confused and uncertain with no sense of direction and/or purpose by allowing yourself to run on auto pilot within your own, “MERRY-GO-ROUND” entrapment; like a dog chasing it’s tail around a tree not realizing it’s chasing it’s tail…
So, if you have been feeling that your life is moving 2 steps forwards and 4 steps backwards and you feel stuck or trapped?
You more than likely need to learn to calm and silence your mind and center your emotional and mental bodies by not playing into fear…
So, ask yourself these questions from your Heart?
1- Is it fun and does it feel good living in FEAR?
2- Do you feel safe in your comfort zone, while living in FEAR?
3- Do you feel happy?
4- Do you feel a sense of security; a sense of direction; a sense of purpose; while your living in FEAR?
5- Do you feel empowered living in FEAR?
If you had answered, “NO” to those 5 questions?
Then you have work to do and you are the only one that can make your own first step towards living in a better balanced lifestyle than where you are at in your present lifestyle…
I suggest that your first step should be getting to know the INFINITE(GOD) The Supreme Creator and bringing the Father/Mother and Christ into your heart…
Then the 2nd step is learning to center yourself and calming your mind…
Here’s a very powerful prayer that I always say several times a day; whether I am at home or at work or in nature or at any department stores…
“Our Father/Mother which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Please give us this day our daily bread; And to forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors; And to help lead us not into temptation, but to deliver us from EVIL; For thine is the Kingdom; And the Power; And the Glory Forever Eternal, thank you…
I wanted to make the Our Father Prayer with respect and balance by adding “Mother” and “PLEASE” in it by respectfully asking; not demanding, THE INFINITE(GOD)- THE I AM OF ALL THAT I AM AND THE SUPREME CREATOR for help…
Sorry I will not demand the INFINITE to do anything but I will ask for help or assistance…
Anyway, that version of the Our Father/Mother prayer also helps to activate all of your chakras and helps to cleanse your auric(energy field) and your merdians and most importantly calming your mind too…
Then here’s a very powerful affirmation that I have always used for over 10 plus years…
This affirmation is only focusing on you…
I am now stating my intent.
I now surround myself in the peach, blue, green, violet, silver Father/Mother Light vibrations of the INFINITE intelligence and only allowing nothing but good to come to me and only allowing nothing but good to go out from me…
May the Father/Mother Light vibrations and perfect health be mine; Forever Eternal, thank you…
The purpose of saying, “I am now stating my intent” is that you are saying that you are creating by manifesting your intentions…
Then say these 3 letters…
T-P-Z as fast as you can as many times you want after saying the positive affirmation…
T- helps bring into alignment all your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies…
P- helps to balance your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies…
Z- helps to ground your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies…
Then when you say all 3 letters as fast as you can it also brings your vibrations upto the appropriate level that your suppose to be at that moment…
You can also use this for your home and your vehicles and whatever place you are at, in case you start feeling very uncomfortable; because this affirmation will stop anyone or any negative forces and energies from stealing your energy…
This part of the affirmation is for you and your home; vehicle; and whatever place you are at…
Say this…
I am now stating my intent…
I now surround myself and everything inside and all around the outside of (my home; and vehicle; and whatever place your at etc.) in the peach, blue, green, violet, silver Father/Mother Light vibrations of the INFINITE intelligence and only allowing nothing but good to come to us and only allowing nothing but good to come out from us…
May the Father/Mother Light vibrations and perfect health be ours…
Say: T-P-Z as fast as you can till you feel that it’s good enough for you…
You can use this on people, and basically all life here on Earth too and it helps a lot. So this part is for you and people; animals; and bugs and all life here on Earth…
Say this…
I am now stating my intent…
I now surround myself and everyone and everything in the peach, blue, green, violet, silver Father/Mother Light vibrations of the INFINITE intelligence and only allowing nothing but good to come to me and everyone and everything and only allowing nothing but good to come out from me and everyone and everything…
May the Father/Mother Light vibrations and perfect health be mine and everyone and everything, thank you…
Say: T-P-Z as fast as you can till you feel that it’s enough for you…
You can also use this for Weather/Sky to help lessen any negativity from the Weather and other negative anomalies in the sky too…
Say this:
I am now stating my intent…
I now surround myself and the (Weather/Sky, etc.) in the peach; blue, green, violet, and silver Father/Mother Light vibrations of the INFINITE intelligence and only allowing nothing but good to come to me and the (Weather/Sky, etc.) and only allowing nothing but good to go out from me and the (Weather/Sky etc.)…
May the Father/Mother Light vibrations and perfect health be mine and the (Weather/Sky, etc.) thank you…
Say: T-P-Z as fast as you can till you feel that it’s good enough for you…
The reason for those positive affirmations is not just for yourself but also for others and Earth too?
Remember, we need to do INFINITE(GOD’S) work not just on ourselves but everyone here on Earth too…
Think about this?
What better way that can actually change any negative influences everyday?
I would like to thank “John Robert Feather” for the positive affirmation and the 3 letters T-P-Z…
Being mean and nasty and negative by allowing yourself to get caught up in some sort of negative tennis drama match is not standing in your true divine power…
That is actually considered self centered, negative ego…
Standing in your true power means to have the courage to keep your lower ego in check by not allowing yourself to stay caught up in some negative drama tennis match…
If you begin saying my version of the Our Father/Mother prayer and the positive affirmation or whatever prayer or positive affirmation you know? Please say it everyday and when you allowed yourself to get caught up in whatever negative drama too?
You will begin to build your true power like a muscle creating your own positive intentions and that will make you feel very powerful without the lower ego and fear and it will make it easier for you to pull yourself right out of any negative drama…
Remember to always be consciously aware of your emotions of how you are feeling and your thoughts from in your mind if it’s running on autopilot with negative thoughts and negative feelings?
Because that does hinder any prayer or any type of manifesting you are trying to create…
Just like what I had explained earlier in the beginning of this blog about our subconscious thoughts can manifest self doubt and we end up self sabotaging…
A Sanskrit word means:
What goes around comes around…
You also may want to be cautious of your emotions and your thoughts (positive or negative) because you will also attract to you the same exact vibe you may be feeling and/or thinking about that will attract people, person or a place like a magnet to you…
Both our emotions and our thoughts create vibrations and that is more powerful than just words. So, always be aware of your thoughts and your emotions…
Thank you…
Anthony TwoFeathers